Preparing for show is an endless series of lists, mental and physical. There simply is no business like show business…
Scrunch® is off to Glee the UK’s biggest gardening show which is held in Birmingham at the NEC next week.
There have been brightly coloured post-it notes all over the office, the car, the kitchen, simply everywhere….but then busy brains are also planning lists and then forgetting to write them down (it’s an age thing).
Vans need to be rented….can’t find the driving licence which is an essential. Hotels need to be booked for the duration of the show….printers haven’t seemed to understand the word urgent for the new business cards that simply have to arrive before the end of the week….
But there really is no business like show business and when the show goes well (as our last Glee did in 2021) we drive home singing from the rooftops.
We look forward to meeting new customers and catching up with old. If you are in or near Birmingham next week please do pop by and say hello….